All-ON-4® in Winnipeg

All-On-4® Treatment uses 4 dental implants to support a full fixed bridge. At Panorama Oral Surgery this surgical and prosthetic treatment is carried out in one day.

All-On-4 treatment has been offered for the last 15 years to patients who require a solution for multiple missing teeth. 


The All-On-4® treatment concept provides edentulous (patients with no teeth) and soon-to-be edentulous patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on four implants on the day of surgery.

This means that patients can come in for an all-on-4 treatment and leave with a full set of teeth all in the same day.

Shorter treatment times

The efficiency of the treatment significantly reduces the number of surgeries required and the overall treatment time.

Maximum stability in your smile

The position of the dental implants also offers maximum stability for patients undergoing this type of procedure.

By tilting the two posterior implants, longer implants can be used which increases the bone-to-implant contact preventing vertical bone augmentation.

This precise placement of dental implants allows for better anchorage into better quality anterior bone.

The end result is a more stable dental implant. 

The titling of the posterior implant also avoids the time required for bone grafting procedures which allows patients to get their teeth in a shorter amount of time, with less time needed for healing.

Cost-Effective Treatment

The All-On-4® treatment concept is the least costly treatment option for patients missing all of their teeth. This procedure, requires less surgeries, and shorter treatment time allowing patients to have a functional smile quickly and efficiently.


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